Attendance Matters
If your child is absent from school then their class teacher will call you at the end of the school day to share with you the learning that your child would have done at school that day.
This enables you to stay informed of the learning that is happening and gives you the opportunity to discuss the learning with your child. It also provides a conversation to happen about when they might return to school and how we can support your child. To read the Attendance policy please look in our Policies section on the website.
What We Expect
96% + Attendance
Why this is important?
Missing out on lessons leaves students vulnerable to falling behind. Students with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.
97% and above is what is expected – we all ensure that this is maintained
95% – 90% is below and “of concern” attendance – meetings, letter and reminders that this is a persistent absenteeism trigger, with in school action to support and track
90% below – attendance panel with Ropna/Early Years
Just 10 days of Absence:
2 school weeks lost
50 hours of lessons missed
20 hours of Maths and English missed
20 hours of extra-curricular time missed
- 97-100% No risk of learning lost
- 95%-96.9% Risk of underachievement from lost learning
93%-94.9% Serious risk of underachievement from lost learning - 90%-92.9% Servere risk of underachievement from lost learning
- Extreme risk – potential court action