Our School Governors

The John Scurr Governing Body is a board of members who represent different parts of the school community and who all bring different skills to the task of leading our school onwards.

Staff Governors: One of whom is the Headteacher. The other staff governor is elected by the school staff team.
Staff governors represent the views of staff at John Scurr at governing body meetings.

Co-opted Governors: Are appointed by the governing body to represent the skills needed to Govern the school.
These governors are selected for the skills they bring to the Governing Body.

A Local Authority (LA) Governor: Is appointed by the LA which maintains the school. They are people who live or work locally and are interested in supporting a local school.

Parent Governors: Are voted onto the governing body by other parents of children who attend the school.
Parent governors play an important role in shaping the education and experience of their children at John Scurr.

Associate Governors: Are invited to Governors meetings and are informed about school life. They help provide the strategy and information for continual improvement but do not have voting rights.

Who We Are

Kevin Hinde – Chair of Governors
(Safeguarding Lead)

I became a governor at John Scurr Primary School in 2008 and I have been Chair of Governors since 2018.

I was born in Crewe, Cheshire and moved to London in 1995 for work after university. My work is in management, technology and publishing. I have a lifelong interest in the power of education, in particular through science and literature.
My three children attended John Scurr, they have now progressed to secondary school and beyond. The school made an immediate impression on me as a happy, welcoming place where the staff really care about all of the children.

Being a School Governor is a wonderful way to contribute to the local community, with many opportunities to learn and grow while supporting a school – making a genuine impact on children’s education.
In my spare time I enjoy running, swimming and cycling, and I read and go to the cinema and the theatre as often as I am able to.

Maria Lewington – Head Teacher

I am Maria Lewington and I am the proud Head teacher of John Scurr Primary School.
I have been the Head for 9 years and before that I has a Deputy and Assistant Head teacher in Newham.

I am also a Governor at Morpeth School and I sit on the Head Teachers Consultative for the Local Authority.
Governors at John Scurr work hard to ensure that the school is safe and happy place for us all to come to, with high expectations for everyone. We meet every term in two separate committees and then as a full Governing Body to make decisions and to hold all school leaders to account. Thank you for your interest in our Governing Body.

Xina Li – Chair of Finance
(Finance Committee)

I became a governor at John Scurr Primary School in 2019 and I have been Chair of the Finance Committee since 2021.

The industry I work in organise Number/Reading Partner schemes whereby a group of volunteers attend a primary school in Tower Hamlet during lunch hours to help children with their maths and reading skills through either playing maths-based games or reading books with the children. This is how I came to know John Scurr and the reason why I am also the Maths Link Governor as I have a keen interest in mathematics and encouraging children to develop their maths skills through fun and engaging ways of learning.

I have a background in engineering and also in the financial services sector. Being a School Governor means that I can use my financial skills to help challenge the school budget and it is a great way to give something back to the community.

In my spare time, I enjoy dog-walking, running and practicing yoga.

Julie De Young – Co-opted
(Finance Committee & Inclusion)

My son is in his final year at John Scurr. I’ve seen him flourish from the happiness and safety provided to him. I’m grateful for the considered and comprehensive development he’s experienced over the last seven years.

I became a school governor around three years ago. It’s been interesting to learn the complexities behind running a primary school. I am enjoying my role as a school governor 

and happy for the opportunity to support the school in this small way.

My professional life has included a significant amount of time working in the voluntary sector providing support to vulnerable people of all ages. In addition to service provision, my roles included recruitment, training and supervision, as well as working on strategic planning, policies and safeguarding matters. I participated in several management sub-committees during this time and I am very impressed by the range and depth of analysis and information John Scurr provides Governors with, enabling us to ensure that the pupils remain at the centre of all of the schools’ decision-making. 

Sirajul Islam – Local Authority Councillor
(Local Authority Co-opted)

I have been a governor of John Scurr School in excess of 20 years. All my children as well as nephews and nieces attended this school. John Scurr is a community school based within the heart of the community. Our parents are made to feel welcome & their children learn in a safe environment. 

I am a local resident and moved to the Bancroft Estate in 1985. I am also as a local Labour Councillor & served on the Council for over 20 years. 

As a long-standing Governor, I have worked with two previous head teachers and different governing bodies. I have seen the evolution of the school over the past 20 years to the present one under Maria Lewington’s leadership. As governors we are passionate about education & welfare of our children. Most of our children come from a deprived background and live in overcrowded homes. Despite all this our children are excelling in their education attainment. This is thanks to our parents’ commitment & guidance together with the learning provided by our excellent teachers. John Scurr school and its governors are committed to fulfilling the potential of our children. 

Emily Purdy
(Safeguarding Vice Lead -Curriculum Committee – Early Years)

I’m originally from South West London and have lived in Tower Hamlets for the last 4 years. I studied French and German at Durham University followed by a year in China teaching English as a foreign language before training to become a solicitor. I now work as a lawyer for a small business lender. 

I became a governor as a way of connecting my interest in education with giving back to the local community. I’ve enjoyed witnessing the happy faces of children as they learn new facts, make friends and expand their horizons at John Scurr. Please come and say hello if you see me around! 

Outside of work, I enjoy swimming, cooking and learning more about the world whether that’s new languages, international cuisine or foreign films. 

Janet Bergin-Miah
(Staff Wellbeing & Curriculum)

I got to know John Scurr School as Associate Assistant Head Teacher/ SENDCo from a secondary school in the E1 partnership. Visiting the school to manage the transition from Year 6 into Year 7; I saw the school go from strength to strength and have been particularly impressed by the forward-thinking and creative approach adopted to overcome challenges and maximise pupil progress. 

I was born and raised on a farm in rural Ireland and moved to London in my second year of teaching intending to stay a year or two before travelling. I then married and twenty-four years later we are settled in London with two beautiful children. We are fortunate that our small garden opens into Epping Forest so I can I retain and indulge my love of the rural way life walking, bird-watching and exploring the forest.

Jemima Reilly
(Curriculum Committee – English)

Jemima became Headteacher at Morpeth in September 2013. She had previously worked in the school in a number of roles including Head of English, Learning Co-ordinator, Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.

Jack Fernie – Staff Governor
(Finance Committee)

I have been a teacher at John Scurr Primary School since August 2018. I am currently also the Art, DT and Music Lead, a position I have held since 2020.

I have a great pride in this school and the children, who amaze me every day with their knowledge, creativity and enthusiasm. We have a friendly staff team, who teach children to love all parts of school life and face challenges with resilience and respect to others. This may be learning in classrooms, on the MUGA, representing the school in competitions, in the playground, or in the lunch hall. 
My hobbies include drawing and painting, visiting art galleries, reading, cooking and yoga

Joanne Power – Co-opted
(Curriculum Committee)

My name is Joanne and I have been a Co-opted Governor at John Scurr School since 2014.

I was born and bred in Tower Hamlets where I was lucky enough to receive a first-class education at Cayley primary school and then Raines Foundation Secondary School.

During my school years, I was inspired by some very special teachers who gave me the encouragement to believe in myself and succeed in life.

I became a teacher at John Scurr Primary School in 1990 after completing my PGCE and, since then, have been committed to the school and its community, hoping to inspire the children to achieve their goals just as I had been at their age.

Over the years I have held several roles with increasing responsibility. I am currently an Assistant Head Teacher with responsibility for overseeing Curriculum Development, English, Key Stage 2 and ECTs.

I have enjoyed every minute of my teaching career at John Scurr, watching the school grow from strength to strength. The children are a delight and never cease to amaze me.

My hobbies include reading, gardening and cooking for my family. I enjoy going on holiday after a busy school year to rest, relax and prepare myself for the next one!

Kamal Uddin – Parent Governor
(Curriculum Committee)

I have lived in Tower Hamlets for the past 35 years and work in a local GP practice for the past 15 years, where some of my time is spent on clinical work as well as being the IT lead.

‘I have lived in Tower Hamlets for the past 35 years and have been working in a local GP practice for the last 15 years, where some of my time is spent on clinical work as well as being the IT lead and on the Senior Management Team. In addition to this I do Quality Improvement work and help develop training programmes for GP practices across seven boroughs in the Northeast London area.  

I am confident that my knowledge of the local area and cultural background, not to mention being a father of 2 adorable daughters, both attending John Scurr, will be beneficial to a school as diverse as John Scurr in representing the parents’ voice.  

In my spare time I enjoy learning about most things tech related and love being a father and spending time with my girls, especially trying different restaurants. Ultimately, I would love to enable the children of John Scurr and their families to have access to a safe and fun learning environment where they can flourish and positively contribute to our local communities.’ 


Nazrul Islam – Parent Governor
(Curriculum Committee)

I’m a family oriented and happily married father of three. I have lived in London, in the same area, since I was 6 months old when my family moved here from Bangladesh. After finishing schools, I went on to support my family business and have been working on it for 10 years.

I am currently working for a charity and based in one of HM Prisons, supporting offenders on their road to rehabilitation and re-joining society. As a part of my professional development, I run peer led groups and coach prison mentors, as well as oversee rehabilitation programs we run in our unit. As a long-standing member of our community,
I believe I have a good understanding of our needs and how to support our children to reach their full potential. I am glad to be part of this vibrant team and have the opportunity to ensure that the school’s vision and mission are in the best interest of our youth.

Keeley Alborough – Associate
(Curriculum Committee)

I joined the team at Join Scurr in September 2020 as Deputy Head. I have been a deputy head in Tower Hamlets for fifteen year and have worked as a teacher in Tower Hamlets for over twenty years.

I am a proud member of the John Scurr team and look forward the warm welcome that awaits me at the school gate each morning. I love being in the fortunate position of teaching for part of each day and being able to support the teaching team and developing our school leaders.



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