Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Aim

Our curriculum is underpinned by our values, which are encompassed into daily learning at John Scurr, they are qualities which we believe will sustain children throughout their lives, so that they can aim to ‘be the best that they can be’.

Our Curriculum Intent

Our Curriculum enables our children to know more, do more and learn more.

Curriculum Drivers

Our children’s backgrounds; our culture and our climate for learning provide the following drivers that underpin our curriculum and provide a broad range of experiences:

  1. Possibilities â€“ Help pupils build aspirations and know available possibilities for their future lives through improving their skills, knowledge and ambition. 
  2. Resilience â€“ Helps instill in our children a mindset that they can continue to grow in all areas of their lives.
  3. Communication â€“ Helps children to be confident to articulate their thoughts, ideas, opinion and participation in lessons through developing communication and self-regulation.

Our Curriculum Implementation

Over the past 8 years we have ensured that stories, books and high quality text are at the core of our curriculum implementation. Our curriculum inspires children to ‘learn to read’ and to ‘read to learn’.
In 2021 we took the bold move to embrace a vocabulary rich, knowledge based approach to our curriculum and are working alongside Alex Bedford, White Rose, Tower Hamlets Oracy Hub  and Kapow  to help develop pupils retrieval, vocabulary and deeper learning in all curriculum areas.
We inspire and motivate children to grow into future citizens who are confident to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

The curriculum is underpinned by a rich , inclusive approach that ensures our children have access to freshly delivered, focused and systematic teaching. The curriculum map is ever evolving but our intent and aims remain at the heart of the offer and are strongly evidenced in the learning provided.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is paramount and it is sometimes taught discretely and sometimes taught through other subjects.
We are very proud here at John Scurr to have been awarded a Primary Quality Mark award for our SMSC provision.

Our Curriculum Content

Our Curriculum Impact

We are very proud here at John Scurr to have been awarded a Primary Quality Mark Silver award for our SMSC provision.

Further Impact of our curriculum:

Our science teaching is a particular strength and we have achieved PQSM Silver Award.

Our edible garden and forest school offer has led to us being awarded 5 Star Royal Horticultural Society Gardening School status

We have Platinum Sing Up Award status

Our commitment to philosophical enquiry has secured a P4C Sapere Silver Award

In 2022 we are striving for an Inclusion Quality Mark and Gold Health School Status a part of our School Improvement Priority.

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